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Medical Imaging


Univ. PA -- Dept Radiology, Cardiothor. Imag. Res.

VIDA (Volumetric Image Display and Analysis) allows for the display andevaluation of volumetric image data sets. It operates within a UNIX/XWindow System environment conforming to the OPEN LOOK graphical userinterface specifications. A shared memory structure allows for theloading of multiple volumes simultaneously within RAM. As a consequenceof VIDA utilizing a windowing environment, multiple processes can belaunched simultaneously. The implication of this structure is that, forinstance, an oblique sectioning program can be used to locate a slice ofinterest, which in turn can be addressed through other quantitativemodules such as region of interest.Because VIDA is built modularly, new modules can be developed and easilyintegrated within the VIDA environment using VIDA libraries, a commonlyshared memory structure, and interprocess communications.Examples of existing modules include: oblique sectioning, volumerendering, region of interest analysis, interactive imagesegmentation/editing, image algebraic manipulation, and cardiacmechanics.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Color workstation or monitor
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Univ. PA -- Dept Radiology, Cardiothor. Imag. Res.
3400 Spruce St
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: (215) 349-5183
Fax: (215) 349-5857